Thursday, November 06, 2008

Im into my 3rd paper today! Just had my business computing paper this morning, the questions were weird- they asked questions like: what is thin client. my goodness, the first thing that came to my mind was a client that's aneroxic @_@. But i tried to squeeze out with some computing terms, otherwise, i would like answered the latter. HAHA.

Turns out that the paper wasnt what i had predicted from the past year papers. Oh well, past years meant they were from the 90's.. how smart right, that i didn't foresee the format was going to change after a decade. But anyhow, lawrence sim smiled to me when i walked out from grand hall. i shot a good-bye lawrence sim smile back, im not going to do business computing ever again! This module is doesnt make any sense to me at all.

okays, Accounting's on monday!!!!! im anxious about it. I really really hope that i will do well for this paper coz it's my core subject. pray for me eh.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

i believe for HD for my modules. AMEN


4:33 PM