Friday, October 31, 2003
oh wow.. last dae in school.. so.. nO fEeLiNgS.. i dunno y.. but i reallie got no SHE BU DE feeling.. mebe ish bcos neva reallie been VERY close wif mOdEsTy-ErS.. but of course.. will miss all of ya.. the times we had together.. fookin n jokin.. going on fieldtrips..playin daidee around.. eatin around.. sexin around..muahahaha.. (ps. i dun miss de sexin part) yeah.. so wanna all the 2 mOdEsTy-ErS to stay cool n funky... don forget to remember mi ok.. don forget all the moments we had together wor... dey will be memories.. so KE LIAN.. if ani1 of u forget, its de same as forgeting PART OF your LIFE.......... REN SHENG RU MENG.. MENG CHANG BEI REN MEN YI WANG.. RUO LIAN SHENG MING DE YI XIAO BU FEN YE YI WANG LE.. NA HUO ZHE DE YI YI ZAO DOU BU CUN ZAI LE.. (typed by CcL) 2dae ccl came my hse.. haha.. So HoNoUrEd..muahaha(typed by she herself).. yeah.. then she keep eating my biscuits...... poor thing.. gotta lau sai out from her asshole.. OUCH!! (kana beaten by her.. O.o ) oh yarh..i bought a 1000pieces puzzle for myself to FIX... haha.. not even halfwae thru.. -_-!.. HoPeLeSs.. haha.. but thank god--i got a SaViOuR: CcL! hahaha.. i bliv sheauwei will cum n help me.. but.. dunno when lehz.. i hope i can finish dis puzzle by next week.. -_-! (CcL: impossible!) btw, i hav not ExPrEsSeD my LOVE for sheauwei yet.. haha.. sil got a LoOoOoOnG wae 2 go.. haha.. not bcos i dun love her.. haha.. its juz tt i REALLIE duno HOW to.. haiz.. -_-? if der is 1dae, anyone of u gota choose between LOVE n FRENSHIP.. .. .. .. .. der wun be such a dae.. haha.. but if there really is.. i will choose frenship.. to mi.. i think love would fade away no matter how much i love sb.. but frenship is diff... we have trust.. faith.. respect.. n passion for each other... (CcL: love also hav de same FaCtOrS..) hey!! but i think frenz are really more important to mi.. hee.. talkin about RESPECT.. oh my god.. 2dae's 2RP won de ZhOnG zHeNg JiNg ShEn JiAnG.. haha.. our claz oso won worz~! haha.. tHiRd though.. haha.. but dunno y mr peck scold dem.. haha.. (*sarcastism*) aniwae, juz now sarcastic, now honestly, i thought integrity will win.. haha.. dey damn enthu n united.. [*. . : : : _+' =XuEjUn (plus CcL in sum parts)= '+_ : : : . .*]
4:32 PM
Friday, October 24, 2003
tomorrow is DeEvaPaLi.. yeah.. im going for the "amazing race".. haha with all my church friends and others ... we sure gotta have lots of fun n laughter... hope it wont rain tomorrow ..'s gonna spoil the whole activity.. hee~ haiz.. juz brought back home all my books in school.. i have thrown away some of the books... n gotta some gonna give to other ppl.. hei.. who wants sec 2 books... i can give it to ya all.. juz tell mi kiex.. don be shy..
6:21 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2003
felt abit disappointed today.. well.. finally got back all my results but it wasnt wad i've expected.. ReaLLy wonder wad stream will i be next year... gotta feeling that it's 7 subject.. O.o'' we had a talk today.. bout some youth crime prevention thingi.. haha.. the talk was boring.. *snores* n i drew the piece of paper provided to keep me awake.. after the talk.. we had an exhibition outside the lecture hall.. actually we were supposed to see all the posters.. but we ended up leaving the school.. ^_^.. think the police were abit disappointed shocked.. haha.. ![]() -Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally charged. You definitely love the person you're with, and always want to know how they're feeling so you can make sure they're happy. What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
10:27 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
You represent... naivete. So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at times, but it's only because you're not sure how to act. You give off that "I need to be protected vibe." Remember that not all people are good. Being too trusting will get you easily hurt. What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla +=XuEjUn=+
8:27 PM
hey yo BuDdIeS... juz came back ... n DaRrEn(my cousin) was at my house.. haha he gotta chicken pox... n i feel itchy all over the place.. OMG.. plz don let his pox spread to me... otherwise i cant go out this holiday.. spoil all my planz.. haha.. BtW.. had bIbLe study with jasmine and sheau wei today.. said that we are all sinners n god alone knows the true human hearts no matter how hard we try to cover up our sins.. JesUs died for our sins.. and his blood is used to cleanse our sins... although we are forgiven by him.. but still we are incapable of not committing any sins... haha.. chim.. anyway.. gotta moz of the results back.. HaIz.. cannot make it to my dream class.. but i know that i've done my very best bout it.. so wont regret.. at least i've tried to score.. hahaha.. donno how to explain.. O.o.. Hmmp.. 2modesty is going to split into different classes already.. so sad.. what we have left is all memories.. n i really enjoyed myself in the class ...
7:16 PM
Monday, October 20, 2003
wow... it was quite a day for me.. well.. it all started with >me< waking up late for my cell group meeting n i had to rush over to serangoon ... but lucky mi.. my mom was oso rushing to somewhere near serangoon so we went together in a cabby.. yeah.. we went to Jonathan/Samuel's house... n i came to realise that it is passion that keeps us going when everybody is gone... it is the commitment for something that we like... haha.. Eileen told us a living axample is that somebody actually loves his guitar so much that he played his guitar everywhere he go.. n i mean it.. he even played his guitar in the toilet -_-''' haha.. funny huh.. but it's true... if there's no passion ... we will eventually die.. coz it's something stable that we've gotta hold onto.. like a float..(sw told me that.. but it's about some other things..) so i really hope that all of us will have passion for something n keeping it stable yeah.. after the cell group, i went to sheau wei's house to do up my bloG (thankz lots sheauwei... even though u were sleeping when i was doing)...but u really helped alot.. +=xUeJuN=+
12:30 PM